martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Written task: LETTER

I miss you

15 September 1944
1245 Striker Street.

Dear Georg:
Hello son, it is been somtime since I am far from home, and I can not put into words how much I miss being home with you and your stepmother.Tell her that I love her, you now I love you too.  Being far from home has been a torture in my mind. I never though I would be separated from you for so long, and I never though it would be so hard for me to be away from you. I feel so sad since I am here, first, thre was all this place here, it is a gloomy and sad place, it has a dark atmosphere. Then, it was the way the nazis treated us. Since we arrived we have been treated like animals. They took a lot ofour posessions and beat us like if we owed them something. They put us all in small rooms, sharing them with more people, too much people, making our rest time uncomfortable and annoying . Then, on the daytime we are forced to work, like if we were going back to the times were the black community was used as slaves, wit the difference that this time is not the black community the most affected but the jewish community. I don`t know why there is so much hate towards the jewish. Did we behaved incorrectly or acted incorrectly towards someone?
The works we have been forced to do are hard and very demanding. We have to save our energy and during the night try to have a good sleep so we can recover our energy. Also, we have to rationate the few food that we receive everyday, in order to stay focused and concentrate in our labor.  The ones that don`t work correctly during the day are beaten up and sent away. I don`t know were are they sent, but I haven`t see anyone of the ones that were sent away again, and that scares me very much.Maybe they are just sent to other camps, but something in the way the nazis act makes me think that they send people to die, probably in an horrible way and slow way.
 My tired and fatiged body works only fueled by my fear of being taken away just like the others were. So, as you may think, everyday there are less of us being obligated to work, and we have to harder everyday in order to try to equalize the work done by the ones taken away. These days we have been forced to dig a giant hole in one of the courtyards of the labor camp, and I don`t know what is the purpose of that hole, but I don`t have a good feeling about it. We have digged a lot, but the nazis want us to dig more and more, and the purpose of it has me puzzled. You may wonder what do we do besides working everyday, and the answer is very simple, we are not allowed to do anything that is not scheduled by them.  We have to go to our rooms after working and stay there until the next day and do the same thing. It`s the same process over and over again. I am lucky that they did not took away my notebook and my pencil, if not I would not be able to write this letter to you. To tell you the truth this letter is a kind of alleviation, a relief. I feel like all this routine is destroying my mind, if I do not find a way out or something to do. I am afraid I will loose my mind ang go insane. But I don`t want you to worry about my mind. I know that sooner or later I will be set free from here. I did not told you about the food we have to eat It makes me really miss the way your stepmother cooked. The food here is grose, it is a kind of gray pasta, but it is the only thing that we can eat, and I prefer to eat than to die of hunger.
The only good things I can say about is this situation haves are that I have met some very very good and interesting people, maybe I can say that they and you two there at home are the things that keep my spirit and soul alive. The other good thing I can think about is that this situation made me realize how important and how much I love you and your stepmother.
I just want you to know that I will keep on working until I find a way to get out of here, I won`t stop until I am back home with you and your stepmother. I miss you a lot and I promise you I will go back home.

Your father

I chose to write a letter from Ggeorg`s father to him while Georg`s father is in a labor camp forced to work. I though that doing this was the best approach to express the feelings and emotions you develop by being a prisioner forced to work and full of fear about your life.

The audience of this novel and this work I did are all the people interested in the people from the Jewish community during the second world war, the persons that want to know more about the emotions, feelings and thoughs, not only the facts. If we go straight to the letter probably the only one that will read it will be Georg and maybe his stepmother.
My language isn`t  particular one, I just used words and a structure in wich I could express and write what I wanted as clear as I could, as I needed to express feelings and emotions from Georg`s father to Georg, one thing that is not that easy.I founded it ti be hard, in a way that I wasn`t sure what emotions and when to put them. About the title is simple, just "I miss you", because it`s been some time since they were together. As the letter goes by Georg`s father describes him how they were treated, how did they lived and what were the routines, explining all the context, including his feelings and fears.

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