sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

Narrative techniques

We learned about the narrative techniques, wich are the ways the story is written.
Basically we have 4 techniques wich are:

1) Point of view: Who tells us the story. Example: Georg Koves in Fateless.

2) Narration: Who is the narrator speaking to.
- Direct narration: To the reader
-Frame narration: Talks about someone else`s story
-Indirect narration: Not talking to the reader.

3)Speech: How do the narrator and the characters of a story speak.
-Direct speech: The characters speak for themselves.
-Reported speech: a narrator tells us what the characters said
-Free indirect speech: The narrator doesn`t tell us the characters thoughs, but he puts them as they are.

4)Tense: When did the events of the story happened. .
-Past: events occured in the past, the use of flashback and racconto.
-Present: What is happening now
-Future: What wil happen after

Other techniques:

-Flashback: Basically it`s a sudden and quick jump to the past, telling us about an event
-Foreshadowing Is a technique used ti give us clues about what will come next
-Third person omniscient: It uses first, second or third person. It communicates directly with the reader
-Dual narrative: It gives us two different perspectives

All these techniques are used in the writing of stories and novels, they are the key of it, they will define the wat the story will be told and it will be these techniques the main reason of us liking a novel.

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