domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Fatelessness chapter 2

Title: Fatelessness
Author: Imre Kértesz
Genre: Aautobiographical novel
Setting: Hungary, Budapest. His stepmother`s house and mother`s house
Historical context: WWII, the holocaust.

Author`s purpose: Here the author gives us an idea of Georg`s routines and also how he feels when his father leaves. He now has much more responsabilities without his father nearby. Also he gets closer with Annemarie.

Main idea: The important decisions and changes that Georg faces after his father leaves.


Protagonist: Georg
Antagonist: Nazi regime
Static character: Mr Sutto
Dynamic character: Georg

Literary devices: We have flashbacks during the story.

Tone: He is being straight foward.

Point of view: Georg`s point of view, as he is always speaking aboyt his feelings and emotions.

External: The conflict between his mother that says that his place is with her and what his father said, that he had to stay with his stepmother. Also that his father is gone.

Internal: He is having a lot of thoughs and doubts that generates the internal conflict.

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