domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Dunkirk evacation

Dunkirk evacuation, Dunkirk evacuation [Credit: ©](1940) in World War II, the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and other Allied troops from the French seaport of Dunkirk (Dunkerque) to England. Naval vessels and hundreds of civilian boats were used in the evacuation, which began on May 26. When it ended on June 4, about 198,000 British and 140,000 French and Belgian troops had been saved.

The immediate context of the Dunkirk evacuation was Germany’s invasion of the Low Countries and northern France in May 1940. On May 10 the German attack on the Netherlands began with the capture by parachutists of key bridges deep within the country, with the aim of opening the way for mobile ground forces. The Dutch defenders fell back westward, and by noon on May 12 German tanks were on the outskirts of Rotterdam. Queen Wilhelmina and her government left the country for England on May 13, and the next day the Dutch army surrendered to the Germans.
The invasion of Belgium also began on May 10, when German airborne troops landed on the fortress of Eben Emael, immediately opposite Maastricht, and on bridges over the Albert Canal. On May 11 the Belgian front was broken, and German tanks ran on westward while Belgian, French, and British divisions fell back to a line between Antwerp and Namur.

The German invasion of France hinged on a surprise advance through the hilly and dense Ardennes Forest. On May 10 German tanks crossed Luxembourg to the southeastern border of Belgium, and by the evening of May 12 the Germans were across the Franco-Belgian frontier and overlooking the Meuse River. The next day they crossed the Meuse, and on May 15 they broke through the French defenses into open country, turning westward in the direction of the English Channel. German tanks were at Abbeville, near the mouth of the Somme River, on May 20, and on May 22 they turned northward to sweep past Boulogne and Calais. On May 24 German units were just crossing the canal defense line close to Dunkirk, the only remaining port by which the BEF could be evacuated, when an inexplicable order from German leader Adolf Hitler not only stopped their advance but actually called them back to the canal line. The Allies’ retreat to the coast now became a race to embark before the Germans closed their pincers. Evacuation began on May 26 and became still more urgent the next day, when Belgian King Leopold—his army everywhere in retreat and millions of civilian refugees caught in the “Flanders pocket”—surrendered his army.
Dunkirk evacuation [Credit: ©]Even before the Belgian capitulation, the British government had decided to evacuate the BEF by sea from Dunkirk, and the admiralty had been collecting every kind of small craft to help in bringing away the troops. As the troops had to be taken off directly from the beaches, it was a slow and difficult process.

The success of the near-miraculous evacuation from Dunkirk was due in part to fighter cover provided by the Royal Air Force from the English coast, but it was also due to Hitler’s fatal order of May 24 to halt the German advance. That order had been made for several reasons, chiefly: Hermann Göring, head of the Luftwaffe, had mistakenly assured Hitler that his aircraft alone could destroy the Allied troops trapped on the beaches at Dunkirk; and Hitler himself seems to have believed that Great Britain might accept peace terms more readily if its pride were not wounded by seeing its army surrender. After three days Hitler withdrew his order and allowed the German armoured forces to advance on Dunkirk. But they now met stronger opposition from the British, who had had time to solidify their defenses, and Hitler almost immediately stopped the German advance again, this time ordering his armoured force to move south and prepare to complete the conquest of France.
With Dunkirk, the disastrous defense of the Low Countries ended in a brief flash of glory for the Allies. Yet the brilliance of the evacuation could not hide the fact that the British had suffered a terrible defeat and that Britain itself was in dire peril. The BEF had been saved, but almost all of its heavy equipment, tanks, artillery, and motorized transport had been left behind. Britain was helpless in the face of a seemingly all-conquering foe that stood just a few miles away, across the open water of the English Channel.

1 comentario:

  1. Which are your sources here? You must acknowledge them or else your text will be taken as plagiarized!
