martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Fateless c.1

1.- Which perspective (positive or negative) does the author of the review have towards FATELESSNESS? Provide evidence.

Positive. The author tells us  that this novel helps us empathize with other perspectivas, and we have the perspective of Georg, a 14 year old jewish boy in the time of the holocaust. I think this vision of the war will be interesting and as he is almost our age we will empathize with him

2.- According to the review, in which ways does FATELESSNESS make readers empathize with the main character of the story?

It makes s empathize because we are shown a different World, in a different time, se we have to try to understand it as much as possible, and try to think why the caracters do what they do and think how they think

3.-In the second paragraph of this review, we are presented the plot of the story. Is this enough information to engage you as a reader? Does it provide an effective invitation to read "FATELESSNESS"? Justify

Yes, because I am introduced to something that I had not encountered before, the perspective of a jewish adolescent in the second world war. There is always talks of the second world war, but few are about the feelings an emotions an adolescent (being this already a complicated stage of life) may have encountered during this time.

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