domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Literary terms and tone vs mood

Literary terms
Literary terms are words such as personification, simile, hyperbole, metaphor, and so on. They are used to describe various forms of writing by an author. (

-Alussion: When characters or events stand for other events or characters of history.
-Alliteration: Repetition of the same sounds.
-Allusion: Reference to a person or event, literary or historically.
-Climax: The part of the story with greater intensity or suspense.
-Connotation: A mening that goes beyond the word, kind of using the word as a symbol.
-Denotation: Dictionary definition of the word
-Flashback: An abrupt and quick jump to the past.
-Foreshadowing: Clues of what will happen in the future.
-Gothic: Usiong of mysterious elements, also a kind of horifying places and supernatural events.
-Hero: A noble character.
-Hyperbole: An exaggeration
-Lyric poem: A melodic poem that describes an object or emotion
-Metaphor: A direct comparisson if two different things.
-Narrative poem: Aa story told in verse.
-Onomatopoeia: Using word that are similar to sounds.
-Personification: Giving human attributes to something not human.
-Plot: Sequence of events in the story, includes characters and a conflict.
-Point of view: The perspective in wich the story is told
-Setting: Where and ehn the story takes place.
-Simile: A direct comparisson without the use of "as" or "like"
-Soliloquy: A kind of monologue,  chracter speaks alone, reveals his thoughs
-Stanza: A group of lines in a poem.
-Symbol: Something that means more than what it is.
-Theme: An in sight about human life.
-Thesis: Tthe subject or opinion in an essay.
-Tone: The authors attitude towards the writing.
-Litote: When something says less than it was intended.

Tone vs Mood

The mood is the general atmosphere the author gives to the writing while the tone is the attitude the author haves towards the writing.

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