lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Three quotes analysis

3 quotes from chapter 3 of fatelessness:

1.- "I was beggining to think that maybe he didn`t understand the ID, and was just on the point of explaining to him that, as he could see, I am assigned to war work and most certainly could not afford to have my time wasted, when all at once the road around me was thronged with voices and boys, my companions from Shell".

Here is shown that know almost all jewish people are forced to do something. Georg is only 14 and he is assigned to war work. Another thing that can be noticed in this quote is that it seems that all the jewish boys are being stoped and have to wait for something, a sign of the different treatment that they received.

2.-" All the same I once asked him what he found so great about smoking so much, to wich he gave me the curt reply: "It`s cheaper than food" "

It`s evident in this quote that the man that was talking to Georg doesn`t have much money, so he smokes to replace eating, in that way he spends less money. Probably the war times were very poor times, as the money was destined to go for weapons and war and not for the people.

3.- (P.57) "he turned toward the gendarmes, ordering them , in a bellow that filled the entire square, to take ”the whole Jewish rabble” off the place that, in his view, they actually belonged-the, stables, that is to say-and lock them in for the night.”

Here we have an example of the discrimination against the jews. Nazis believed jews were rabble, garbage and it says in the quote that they are being sent were he thinks they belonged, to a lock stable. The discrimination didn`t have an age, it affected children and older people the same and without any reason.

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