lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

FOA written reflection

Area to which the task is linked. (Please include the sub topic to which it is linked) : Language and mass communication Racism (sub topic: racist ads, stereotypes)

Activity type: Oral presentation

In the table below, candidates must list the source of all support materials that relate to the presentation. (You should also attach a properly formatted bibliography, as appropriate.)
Title of Work/Text
Text Type

Aims for the task: To show how racism is in everything and how even the big companies use it.

Comment on your performance and the progress you made in achieving the aims above: We did a good group work, we achieved the idea we had and we had our ideas well developed, my performance was good, well known information.
Include specific examples of your content, structure and sequencing, and language choices to support your reflection:
 We included ads form different times of history, we structure the information first and then the ad analysis, we used formal language, but the ads we showed had different languages.

We made an oral presentation about racism, with the purpose of understanding a Little bit more about in wich point something starts being racist.. We achieved our purpose by mixing information and examples. We analysed different ads, from different times, for example, we saw an ad from the mid 50`s, wich was very racist, very explicit, compared to the ads we saw from now a days. Also, we saw that sometimes the language used is the cause of something being racist, the image linked to a phrase can mean something different form the normal meaning, for example in the ad about soap, we saw a White boy saying a black boy to wash himself. As it was a formal presentation, we chose to use formal language, the exceptions were some of the ads, with more coloquial language. Our structure idea was to explain and define the key concepts of our presentation and the analyse some real advertising, to see how the elements are used. As a group I think we did a good performance, we achieved what we wanted to and we were able to explain and analyse the ads we showed to our classmates, my particular perfomance was good, I dominated the information and the things I had tos ay and explained the. To finish, I think that we achieved what we wanted, and that we progressed a lot during our time to prepare the presentation, and maybe we should have included more information, or more ads from the 1900`s

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