martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

1. What is the reason for the author's choice of a young narrator?

Because it gives the book a different point of view, the point of view of an inoccent, young girl

2. How does Jem and Scout's views of Boo Radley change during  part 1 of the book?

They start fearing him, but after the dare of Dill, they start being more curious about him.

3. Atticus tells the children several times that they need to walk in someone else's shoes 
before judging the person. Describe times when Atticus, Scout or Jem walk in someone else's shoes. How does this change how they view the situations? What role does this advice play in sympathy and compassion? 

They do it with Boo Radley as they start growing and realising things, they also do it with people of their street and they can understand them better.

4. How do you think Atticus managed his role as a single parent?

I think he did wuite a great job, he was able to educate them in a good way and provide them with what they needed 
5. Discuss race issues in part 1 of the book.

6. From your reading of part 1, What does To Kill a Mockingbird teach us about how people cope with issues of race and class? Do you classify people in your world as different "folks?" Do you see those sort of distinctions today? 

We still can see distinction, homophobia for example. I think the book teach us that people have a hard time learning to live along with different people.

7. Who is your favorite character from part 1 and why? 
Atticus, because of his serenity and intelligence.

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