sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

Idioms and ambiguity activity

Bite your tongue.  On a literal meaning it meens to press your teeth against your tongue, to actually bite it. The figurative meaning is for someone to shut up or take back what they said.

Pull my leg. On a literal meaning a person is demanding to someone to actually pull his/her leg.  To pull someone´s leg is to tell someone something that is not true to joke them. It is to kid or trick someone.

He is my English teacher. The ambiguity here is that we are not sure if the person is saying his/her teacher is from England or if his/her teacher teaches the English language.

She doesn´t like short men or women. It could be that she doesn´t like women and short men or just that she doesn´t like short people.

I saw the person with a telescope. It could mean that the person saw someone through a telescope, or that he saw someone carrying or handling a telescope.

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