viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Text 1

Text one is basically an informative and  persuasive text, trying to convince people to visit and go on vacations to the Antigua and Barbuda`s island. It informs and gives us a descriptions of both islands and what are the good things and activities on them. Obviously, the audience targeted here are people who are looking for a place to go on vacations and people who love to travel around the world, more adventurous people. The main idea of the text is to convince people to go to the islands on vacations because of the beautiful features and the fun activities, along with the "can`t be missed" places and the luxury of the hotels. It`s writen formally and it has a mix of objective information and opinions when describing the islands. The text has words that can be associated with feelings. For example "beautiful beaches" causes an idea of pleasure and peace. The images included are colorful images, that try to give you an idea of what is on the islands, mixing that with the words it is an strong persuasive text.Each picture has a different implication, for example, the bird makes us think about the wild in the islands, the pool icture giecs us an impression of fun and social enjoyment, the church gives us an idea of beautiful places to visit.

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