viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Academic writing: Media

The media are the goup of medium (radio, television, newspaper, internet, etc) that we use on our daily basis to inform ourselves of the recent events in all areas, like economy, sports, celebrities, criminalistic, etc. I think that the person that controls th media controls almost anyone`s opinions and atitudes.
First of all, I think that having the control of media gives you the chance to give the inforation the way you want it to be given, and sometimes distortioning it from it`s original meaning. For example in Chile we have a "recent" case from last year, from a woman called Inés Pérez gives an interview and when the news edited the interview it made her look and she thought something completely different to what she really thought of what she was being interview. (Interview: ).
url.gifAlso, when someon controls al the media he or she decides what to show, it can be decided to show no information about economy for example, or no information about sports, someone can decide how it is shown, when and in wich way

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