sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

You fit into me
You fit into me
like a hook into an eye
a fish hook
an open eye
(Margaret Atwood)


1) What is the relationship between the title and the rest of the poem?
 It´s kind of what it is about, the title tells us about how someone fits into him, how someone is similar to him, and that idea it´s expressed and elaborated in the poem

2) What words, if any, need to be defined?
I really don´t believe there is any word to define. The words used are quite simple, and it´s a very short poem, so I understand all the words.

3)What relationships do you see among any words in the poem?
Hook and Eye get mentioned to fit in the poem, so I believe they have a relationship.

4)What are the various connotative meanings of the words in the poem? Do these various shades of meaning help establish relationships or patterns in the text?
The words Hook and Eye again are used with a connotative meaning, they are used as a comparisson in the poem, they are being used to explain the whole idea, and they do help establish patterns and relationships in the text, because you can easily understand it and relate them to the author's idea.

5)What symbols, images or figures of speech are used? What is the relationship between them?
The words hook and eye are used with a close relationship, this are the figures or images used.

6) What elements of rhyme, meter or pattern can you discuss?
The only rhyme is when the word eye is used twice in verses 2 and 4, the syllables are not constant.

7)What is the tone of the poem?
For my, I believe it´s a sad tone, because it´s like the author is talking about his love.

8) From what point of view is the content of the poem being told?
From the point of view of the author, what she feels and how she sees things happening around her and in her life.

9) What tensions, ambiguities or paradoxes arise within the poem?
In the verses 1 and 2; 3 and 4 there are ambiguities, I can see that in the first 2 verses, the author talks about a couple, the hooj and the eye, and in the third and fourth verse they are named separate.

10) What do you believe the chief paradox or irony is in the text?

Maybe the irony is how in the start they are both united and in the end they are named by separate.

11) How do all of the elements of the poem support and develop the primary paradox or irony?
The eye and the hook is the principal way the author supports the irony, using a comparisson between them.

After reading this text, did you understood the higher truthof the poem? Did something happened that allowed you to encounter aspects of your humanity beyond what you can easily express in words? Is this the true value of literature?

I believe I managed to understand the poem and the meaning of it. The way the author uses the words make me think that a very complex idea can be expressed simply, and I believe that´s literature.

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