viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Activity 8.6 page 206

First extract
1) There are similes (stedfast as...) and metaphors (bright star)
2) The star is something figurative, it stands for something this person wants, it`s either someone he is in love with or maybe an idea that guides him like a star, a desire to be.
3)It`s named the idea of someone looking at a star and describing it, but I believe that it`s more about love or most likely a desire to be.

Extract 2
1)Simile ( men strive, they turn)
2)Is mostly a literal meaning, is love.
3) It`s named that someone loves someone, and there`s nothing more implied, the similes help reinforce the idea of love.

Extract 3
1) Metaphor (Grave men)
2) Literally it talks about grave men that see meteors, but figuratively it is weird to see meteors with blinding eyes, and it`s also weird being a grave man.
3) It is named the action os see and the men, the meteors, but it is implied that death isn`t happy, and ignoring death makes us happier.

Extract 4
1) Metaphor (spread my dreams on your feet)
2) It is explicit that he is putting something on someone`s feet and that person is stepping on it, but it is a metaphoric thing, because one can`t put his dreams on the floor.
3) Love is implied and the action of covering the floor is named.

Extract 5
1) Metaphor (Beauty is a fat black woman)
2)Literally there is the woman and the fields, figuratively it talks about the beauty related to being a fat black woman.
3) It is named the actions the woman does, and it is implied that beauty is on the inside and that you must enjoy life even if you are not physically attractive.

Activity 8.6, Sylvia Plath page 205

1) "I" is a pregnant woman.
2) Although it would be easier to understand who is "I" if it was told explicitly, the metaphors make us think on what are they referring to, so this keeps our attention on it and makes us think, and that also helps us wide our comprehension.

Activity 8.5 part 2

1)There is a black woman that walks through the fields pressing a flower to her cheek, the sun is warming her feet, then she is on the sea, and the tides wet her.

2) I would think it`s about loving yourself as you are, because being beautiful is about the inside, not the outside.

3) It flows like the sea, it is a peaceful rhythm, with the rhymes helping this peaceful flow. The poem does not have any "violent" words except fat and black, that are a little stronger on the pronunciation and king of interfere with the flow, but on the rest it flows calmly.

Alfred Lord Tennyson`s life

The Revenge- A ballad of the fleet

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Activity 8.5 page page 204

Sight: Fat, hibiscus, sun,sea, black woman

Sound: sea, breeze, walking the field

Taste: sea

Touch: Fields, hibiscus, sea

Smell: sea, hibiscus

Page 203 activity

1) I liked the metaphors he uses because they are very deep and complicated, the sense of deepness in his words and the meaning, about love and the gentleman way of putting the clothes on the water so she doesn`t step on it.
2)I disliked the poor rhyme of the poem, because it isn`t attractive to read them, the repetition of words because of the same reasons of the rhyme and I had problems understanding the meanings and words
3)-What motivated you to write this?
   -Why did you chose this type of writing, metre, rhyme,etc?
   -Did you liked your poem? Do you find any weak points?