domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

We were told to analyze the text "A language without limits" from page 99 of our books. For me the author`s purpose is to inform, he is talking about something that`s is happening in Toronto (extract: paragraph 1, lines 1,2 and 3), the source is Deena Kamle " A language without limits" posted in the Toronto Star. The genre is non fiction, is talkig of real facts. The target audience is the Toronto people (extract: p.1, line 2 and 3). The theme is the changes in english language (extract: paragraph 13), the topic is the diferent english languages in Toronto ( again p.1). It is a formal speaking form.

week 16

Back to school. This week we saw pollitically correct language. The idea of politically correct language is that is a type of languages that doesn`t use terms that can be offensive to others. We saw some funny videos about it, to help us undestanding.
We also saw ebonics. Ebonics is the black english, and in U.S.A they tried to teach it in schools, but it was a failure.
We saw añlso the communities. These are created by people to produce authority, knowledge, etc. We are all part of certain communities, and in comunnities we transform language, using our own termns.
We studied the online communities. It`s a group of people that have common interest and they belong to a certain group in internet. Web sites as Tumblr, Facebook and Youtube are examples of communities.


the week 14 and 15 were winter vacations, a rest from school at last. I enjoyed this vacations because I had to do nothing for school, the only problem was that my best friend Alberto García and another good friend of mine Joaquin Rodriguez were out of town most of the vacations, Joaquin was training in Santiago and Alberto was in New Zealand.

week 13

It was the last week before holidays, the british week, some of our classmates were in new zealand and the rest of us were enjoying the activities of the last week. Focusing in english class, the activities were the trip to Valparaiso, cricket, public speaking competition and literary fair. I only participated as a part of the audience   in the public speaking. Our classmates Dan, Cristobal and Joaquin did a good job, with Dan finishing in third place.

week 12

We went wider in analyzing texts, we added elements of analysis like, register, tone, target audience, source, author`s purpose and genre.
With all these elements we analyzed some texts and the hardest thing for me was backing up your choices with extracts from the text.

week 11

We studied some ways that help us analyzing texts. We studied the theme, topic, genre, authors purpose, etc, and these helps us to understand more the text.
We did some exercises to get to understand how to analyze texts. The hardest part for me was having always an extract from the text to back up what you think.

week 10

We learned that we can classify language, we saw three types of it: Legal language, scientific language, language in sports.Scientific language is used by poeple close to the sciences, legal language is used by people close to the law system, like judges and sports language is used by people close to sports, football players, basketball players, etc.

week 9

This week we studied language amd culture. We learned that these two things are connected. Different cultures use different languages and develope it in their own ways and that`s why if you go to another coubtry  in south america you may not understand everything they refer too.

week 8

This week we saw jargon, argot and slang, these languages are used by certain groups of people and it`s easier for them to understand it.

Jorgon is a type of ñanguage that people use in their jobs and it makes the communication faster and easier for them.

Slang is a language that it`s very informal, it`s used by for example, friends talking as they use different words to refer to something.

Argot is used by a group of people and it evolves during time.